Friday, September 5, 2008

Didn't You Want to Stop Smoking Yesterday?

How many times have you tried to quit smoking in the past 4 months? If you are like me, I would guess more than once. It's OK, we have rarely gone the full cold turkey to get rid of the smoking habit. Its all got to do with finding a replacement for that ever overpowering need for nicotine.

Smoking was a trip for me, I almost numbed all of my taste buds so I couldn't enjoy the simplest of novelties(food). My teeth were being stained with tobacco smoke and it looked like I had some pearly "golds," which spoke for itself. I remember waking up in the morning with stuff collected at the back of my throat that I would have to cough up to breath properly in the morning. I also remember that the all mighty cigarette would rule my life and make it hard for me to sustain a workout that lasted more then half an hour.

There are many expensive products out there that can help you with your promise to yourself of someone else to quit smoking, but those can add up quickly and take a very long time. Patches, gum, lozenges, pills, and most importantly, the wrist snapper for when we had cravings. These all work for different people, but with me, I would put on a patch, then I would be smoking later in that day not realizing that I still had my patch on. Then my heart would skip a few beats and tell me that there was too much nicotine intake. That was a bit scary to me.

Now a' days you can just about be certain that you will be spending over $100 to kick the habit. Thats if you can get it done of the first try. I feel somewhat ripped off that they will charge the same if not more then the cigarette for a product that is not promised to work. I guess everyone is different so it really depends on what you are comfortable with.

Let me tell you this, it is easier then you think. All the support you need in the world is here at your fingertips. People from all over the world are in the same boat as you right now. Deciding which expensive nicotine replacement product they are going to buy to try to kick the habit. But let me tell you this, you do not need to buy any of those products at all. If you know how to prepare yourself for battle with yourself when your cells run out of that thing that we call nicotine, then you are already a week ahead of the game.

I actually did quit smoking this time with the right knowledge. I knew what to expect to I let my mood bother me very little. With the right game plan and the right mindset, you too will discover the new less expensive way to quit smoking without ingesting anything into your body.

Here I will compare and contrast two top of the line quit smoking products that will give you the detailed game plan you need to get the smoke kicked out of you.

"Stop Smoking For Good"

The information in this awesome product is beyond parallel. I personally used this product to quit smoking and I couldn't be happier. Quit smoking without using any patches, gum, pills, or anything else. Design a system around who you are to prepare yourself to hang it up. With this product you will immediately jump into the hard facts of smoking and figure out a time line to get the job done. Not to mention it costs less then one two week pack of Nicotine Patches;-)

To find out more on this life changing knowledge please CLICK HERE

"EasyQuit Stop Smoking System"

A wealth of information lies ahead for you if you want to know the goods and bads of smoking. The EasyQuit system was formulated by former smokers for current smokers. If you are the type of person who actually likes to use nicotine replacement products, this information will point you in the right direction. With homemade confections that will turn your head. But in the end, it works! For the cost of a little more then a TWO week pack of Nicotine Patches, you can gain the knowledge and wisdom to quit smoking yesterday.

To find out more on this wealth of smoking knowledge CLICK HERE